Are IPL Photo Facials Safe and Effective?

IPL (intense pulsed light) is a skin treatment that uses intense pulsed light. It can be used to minimize the appearance of aging or to get rid of unsightly hair. Scars can be reduced, darker skin regions can be lightened, and spider veins can be improved, among other things. IPL is comparable to laser treatment in […]

How Long Does Sculptra Aesthetics Last?

How Long Does Sculptra Aesthetics Last? | PBK Medspa

Are you dissatisfied with the image you see in the mirror? Do you appear exhausted and drained, even after a good night’s sleep? It is possible that the gradual loss of fat in your face, which doctors refer to as a loss of facial volume, will age your appearance just as much as the presence […]

Why Is Carbon Facial Good For Your Skin?


Unlike a traditional facial massage, a carbon facial is a relatively new phenomenon. It involves the application of molten carbon onto the skin, which slows absorbs into the skin through the pores. The carbon applied to your skin absorbs the contaminants in your skin. Later on, laser light is passed through the skin, which destroys […]